Week 1 - Orientation:
PDF File:
Week 2 - Meeting Your Higher Self:
PDF File:
Week 3 - Attaining & Understanding Messages from our Higher Self & Learning How Ego's Mentality to Survive Blocks the Higher Self's Guidance to Thrive:
PDF File:
Week 4 - What the Ego Needs from Us:
PDF File:
Week 5 - Reflections of Relationships:
PDF File:
Week 6 - Being Who You Really Are - Your Greatest Thriving Point:
PDF File:
Week 7 - Bringing Ego into Balance with Your Higher Self through Surrendering to Your Higher Self, Moving out of Suffering and into Joy.
PDF File:
Week 8 - Manifestation - How Limited Beliefs, Definitions, Labels and Associations Play a Key Role in Manifesting Your Desires or Contrasts:
PDF File:
Week 9 - Erase It & Replace It:
Week 10 - The Power of Joy - How to Get into and Primarily Reside in the State of Joy:
- Agenda of the Day: We'll be covering what this all this program offers for everyone, we'll do a quick introduction of who we are, so you'll get an idea of where we've been and understand what has helped us, we'll go through a practice which we call the Reconnection to Essence, which will help you prepare to really connect with your inner guidance, and help bring you back into balance - this is wordless inner work that works miracles in itself. We're going to go over how your focus has created your current life as it is, and that through this course of this program, we will be helping you shift your focus to create the very life you desire. We're going to look at where you are with your PDF files, and where you want to go, what goals you wish to attain during this program and fill those out to help you keep a focus on that. And then we'll fill in what your Weekly Quest Adventure assignment is.
- This course can help those of you who are looking to connect with your inner guidance, your Higher Self of course, and here - define Higher Self. This course will guide & help those of you looking to heal emotional issues & help those of you with manifesting your desires for materials, experiences and/or aspirations & help those of you looking for your life purpose by coming to know who you really are and allowing yourself to be who you really are by stopping the fear of ego's beliefs you're not allowed to be who you really are for fill in the blank reasons. This course will help you come to know how to love yourself, and actually practice doing so. This course also will help balance the ego out of its survival mentality, so it will stop blocking you from thoughts, beliefs, and practices that bring you into thriving which come from your Higher Self.
- Introduce ourselves.
- Teach them the benefits of the Reconnection to Essence Routine, and then guide them into it. These are the Light Cleansing, Number Meditation, & Lower Belly Breathing.
- Teach them about how their focus has created their current life, (direct them to their diagram in their PDF file), and that we will be shifting their focus during this training course, so they can create the life they desire.
- Direct them to their PDF file to list their Primary Goal(s) they wish to attain in this program.
- Still in their PDF File direct them to list the primary feeling they feel most of the time.
- In their PDF File, direct them to answer how the the Reconnection to Essence routine can help them daily, supplying them the answer, reiterating what was taught earlier of it.
PDF File:
- The Focus Diagram
- List your Primary Goal(s) you wish to attain in this program.
- List how you're feeling most of the time. (Happy, fearful, sad, frustrated, seeking, etc.)
- How can the Reconnection to Essence routine daily help you? The deep breathing actually connects you to your Higher Self, and helps balance you. The Light cleanings, clean the energies you've picked up, or generated within you yourself, bringing you back to a neutral state, serving to help lift you into a higher vibration. The numbers mediation helps you to empty your mind to allow messages to come in from your Higher Self that you can more easily decipher are from the Higher Self and not just your thoughts.
- Your Quest Adventure assignments this week are: Practice your Reconnection to Essence Routine daily, notice how you feel before you do it and afterwards. Journal them. Get a journal to start logging your experiences for the upcoming weeks. We invite you to share your experiences and/or questions you have or develop at Wize Vibez.
Week 2 - Meeting Your Higher Self:
- Agenda of the Day. We'll learn the differences between the Higher Self, soul and ego. Then Seqkat will guide us into the Reconnection to Essence process. That will then lead us right into the mediation of you meeting your Higher Self. Then we'll answer questions on the PDF file and fill out your Quest Adventures for this week.
- Define clearly the differences between the Higher Self, soul and ego self.
- Guide them into the Reconnection to Essence routine.
- From there move right into the guided meditation of meeting their Higher Self.
- Share our personal experiences with the Higher Self meditation and working with the Higher Self.
- Quest Adventure assignments this week, write down in your journal their experience of meeting your Higher Self ASAP, while your memory is fresh. You'll appreciate being able to go back and read this later. Continue with the Reconnection of Essence daily, we invite you to meet with their Higher Self a few times this week on your own and record your experiences. We invite them to share your experiences and/or questions they have or develop at Wize Vibez.
PDF File:
- Diagram of the Higher Self, Soul & Ego Self.
- Define what the Higher Self is.
- Define the role the soul and ego self plays in life.
- Your Quest Adventure assignments this week are ...
Week 3 - Attaining & Understanding Messages from our Higher Self & Learning How Ego's Mentality to Survive Blocks the Higher Self's Guidance to Thrive:
- Agenda of the Day: We'll discuss the benefits of what the Higher Self offers us and how it functions in difference of how our mind and ego processes life. Then Seqkat will guide us into the Reconnection to Essence and from there move us right into a meditation of meeting with the Higher Self again, prompting to receive messages from it. Then we'll discuss how to interpret messages you receive from your Higher Self and how to trust them, and we'll be looking at Shou's diagrams, and after that will be filling in the PDF File.
- The Higher Self is our true self, the essence of Source in us from whence we came. As we discussed last week it remains in it's pure Source/Divinity/God/Universe state. It's important to know it's from the Higher Self that we receive our desires, inspiration and creativity. Our mind on the other hand is truly like a computer. It processes what it is programmed. It's programs consisting of what we are taught and/or experience. Our minds processes what it observes and what it has experienced. So, it takes in new programs and compares new programs to old ones. It processes life based upon what it has experienced. Emphasis on the ed. And this is where ego kicks in and looks at what the mind has experienced, seeks what hurt with those experiences and then starts to seek how to protect itself from pain. So, as your Higher Self inspires you with a new idea, and it will feel good coming from the Higher Self, later on, you start struggling with fears, because the mind has searched and found comparisons.
- Your Life Purpose. Your Higher Self knows what it is. Your mind and ego do not know, nor do they care to know. The mind is just prepared to process what it knows, and the ego is always at ready to protect itself from pain. With those two things occurring, if you're not tapping into your joy - which always aligns you with your Higher Self, you can miss out on what your Life Purpose is. And/or if you do know what it is, it may be a very frightening thought to you to embark to live it. But you'll be in your grandest joy embracing living it - for it is then you are living, breathing, and being who you really are - the uniqueness of you.
- So you can see how your Higher Self can benefit you but helping you to actually live your life instead of hiding away and ducking pain. Every desire we get from our Higher Self, (remember it will feel like joy to you), is often countered on a percentage scale of 1-10 with 9 fears. Usually about 3 of them of which you are aware. Most of us have about 7 fears to which we have no idea being processed in our unconscious - ego at frantic work to keep us safe from pain. And this is where most of us are living life in the unconscious, mindset to survive of ego. Our goal with this program is to move you into the conscious, inspiration to thrive of your Higher Self. So, today we're going to go back into a meditation with your Higher Self, allowing it to guide you, and then we'll look at how to interpret what your Higher Self is giving you in messages, not only verbally, if you are able to receive verbal or thought communication, but also in symbology that you are shown as well. Our goal today is to establish greater ease in connecting with your Higher Self and trust. I can tell you as continue to work with your Higher Self on your own, it can become as easy as pausing for a mere moment to ask for its guidance and receiving an immediate answer without even meditating. Though I always recommend meditations as they are a gift all on their own. The goal here is to be able to turn to your Higher Self for guidance and answers, as easily as it is to talk to a trusted loved one or mentor you seek for guidance. So with that being said, let's move into the Reconnection to Essence and from there to another guided meditation to meet with your Higher Self.
- In meditations you may see scenes unfold or be given the smallest symbol that you can interpret the very same as you do dream symbology. A scene of a beach with you facing the water, has a lot to tell you in symbology. I do recommend my two favorite sources to interpret the symbology are as you can see in the PDF files, dreammoods.com and dreamhawk.com. Even if your Higher Self does communicate with you in thoughts and/or in verbiage, any scenes it has offered you still has more to tell you. It's important to keep in mind, when you're looking up the symbology you'll be offered several options for one symbol. Go with the one you feel connects with your mediation or dream, whichever you're interpreting. Your feelings are communicating truths to you. Also, keep in mind, certain symbols may have a different personal meaning to you than the universal one. Like some may see black cats as an omen, to which it would never mean that to me because of my love for cats. So, keep in mind what your own personal symbols are for you as well.
PDF File:
- Diagram
- It's from your Higher Self that your _______________________________ come. (Answers to give to them to fill in are, "inspirations, ideas, creativity, and desires".)
- Your mind can only _______________________________________________. It cannot CREATE new ones. Creation comes ONLY from your Higher Self. Your mind acts as a computer - processing data. (Answers to fill in are, "observe new experiences, and process past ones.")
- Your ego takes the data your mind is processing and seeks where in the past anything is similar that caused it pain and seeks to _______________________________. (Answers to fill in, "protect itself from pain.")
- When you feel joy, you are in _____________________________________. That is why living your Life Purpose brings you the grandest joy. This is all the more reason to live your Life Purpose instead of just settling to get by. (Answers to fill in, "in alignment with your Higher Self.")
- Two excellent sources to interpret dream symbology for your dreams, meditations and messages from your Higher Self are: __________________________________________. (Answers to fill in are, "www.dreammoods.com & www.dreamhawk.com.")
- Quest Adventure for the week is to continue with the Reconnection to Essence Routine daily and meet with your Higher Selves and practice interpreting the messages received in symbolism.
- In regards to your Life Purpose and jobs, I wish to share this quote with you: "I believe God wants you to know … that money is not the issue. Having the courage to give your highest gift is the issue. There is no security in doing something for a living, when you are dying inside while doing it. That is taking care of the body at the expense of the soul. And a withering soul cannot help but produce a withering body. So do not think you are 'taking care of yourself' by killing your spirit to keep your body alive. How long will you put off what you are dying to do?" -Neale Donald Walsch
Week 4 - What the Ego Needs from Us:
- Agenda of the Day: Seqkat will guide us into the Reconnection of Essence routine, then we'll discuss more about the ego, its role, society's affect upon it with its agenda of suppressing the ego, what the ego needs. And then the steps to practice loving your ego, and thus yourself to give your ego what it needs, so that it can open itself to align in agreement with the Higher Self's wisdom. Then Seqkat will guide us into a short meditation to meet your ego self and start practicing giving it, (and thus, you!) your love. Then we'll fill in some blank questions in your PDF file, share your Quest Adventure for this week, then open for questions and/or coaching.
- Guide them into the Reconnection of Essence routine.
- Teach them the role ego plays in acting as an anchor to keep us in the 3D earth game, and how it's feelings allow us to experience things. It's through the ego's feelings that the Higher Self experiences life, and to experience life is why it chose to individuate itself into your soul, and is why our soul chooses to incarnate itself into an ego aspect. In light of that your ego's feelings are very important. It's supposed to have feelings, that's its job to do - have feelings and the important key here, it's supposed to feel the feelings and express them. When we run away from feeling our feelings, we're running away from the very agenda we came here to do.
- Teach how society has been teaching us to suppress the feelings, and that we're bad or wrong for having them, and this is causing havoc for the ego, for one the suppression is poison to the mind, body and spirit.
- Teach them what the ego needs. A true listening ear from our part w/o judgement that it's bad or wrong. Allowing it to express its feeling, and allowing it to feel them - feel them all they way through so the feelings can be felt out. Not held back to process later.
- Teach them ego wants to play the blame game and point to everyone else that they are the creator of its pain. This is how the ego is using judgment to move away from pain. Let it do it. Don't sugar coat and try to talk ego out of feeling the way it does. Let it be raw and feel exactly as it does, scream and shout as loud as it wants, point all the fingers outside of itself all that it wants. This is allowing expression.
- Then validate ego. It has every single right to feel the way it does. Give the ego understanding and compassion for how it feels. Then we can move into comfort. Teach them how to picture their ego as a small child, who just simply does not understand, it just feels. Invite them to let that child tell them its hurts, offer that child allowance of the expressions, validation, then comfort it with genuine love.
- Explain it is through this path that ego will be able to finally listen to the wisdom of the Higher Self and not push away that wisdom. The suppressed, unvalidated, unloved ego, pushes away that wisdom because it's hurting, and it needs help. It needs our love. And through our practice here of loving the ego - this is how we love ourselves.
- Assure them in an upcoming week, we'll teach them how to get their ego to not blame the world, and see where they are a creator, but first it has to get the negatives out right now.
- Guided meditation to meet your ego self.
- PDF File Fill in Blanks.
- Open for any questions.
- Quest Adventure Assignments this week, continue with their Reconnection to Essence daily, if something any negative feeling comes over them this week, ask them to pause, picture their ego as a child, and just ask it a question. Why does this hurt? Be prepared for it to show you a memory of something similar, or something that's been brewing and needs to be released. Whatever it shows you, practice allowing it to express its needs - fully. If it wants to blame, allow it. Practice compassion, and validation and comforting the ego. This may feel a little raw this week. It's because you're having to tip yourselves out of balance and look at all the things you've shoved under the rug, hoping not to have to see. It's time to clean out the rug, so when you walk, life won't be so bumpy! Things will get better! We'll be teaching you how to balance this expression, and you'll move into peace and joy. This part is soooo necessary for that to happen. Journal any of your experiences with your ego self. Meet again with your Higher Self at least 2 or 3 times this week and log your experiences in your journal. Invite them to share their experiences and/or questions they have or develop at Wize Vibez.
PDF File:
- Diagram
- The Higher Self experiences life through _____________________________. (the ego's feelings.)
- When we run away from feeling and expressing ego's feelings, we run away from _______________________________________________________________________. (the very agenda we came here to do - experience life.)
- We learn from society that it is _____________ or ___________ to have feelings through the encouragement to _____________ our feelings. (bad, wrong, suppress) This is done by its reaction, when we _________________________. (do express our feelings)
- Suppression poisons the __________, __________, and _________. (mind, body & soul)
- Ego blames others for its pain in attempts to _________________. (move away from pain)
- Ego needs to be allowed to feel its feelings and express its feelings and it needs to be ____________________. (validated for having its feelings)
- Ego does not have the wisdom of the Higher Self. In light of that it deserves to have __________________________________________ for its feelings. (understanding & compassion)
- When you practice allowing your ego to feel, and express its feelings in safety of not being judged as bad or wrong for them, and you practice having compassion and understanding for your ego's feelings, and you practice comforting your ego, you are practicing ______________________ and thus, ____________________________. (loving your ego, loving yourself)
- Once your ego's feelings have been allowed to be felt, expressed, validated, and it feels comforted, it is then ___________________ of your Higher Self. Without all of that it cannot open to it, because it is hurting. (open to the wisdom)
- When your ego is open to wisdom of the Higher Self, it is then it _________________________________ (stops blocking ) the guidance of your Higher Self, and actually ____________________________________(feels happy and in agreement) with your Higher self.
- Quest Adventure this week: ________________________________________________.
Week 5 - Reflections of Relationships:
- Agenda of the Day: Seqkat will guide us into the Reconnection to Essence routines. Afterwards we'll start the two ways, (one is usually not even thought of!) people are reflections to us, of what is going on inside of us. And then we'll look to see how, they are being a reflection. And then from there, we'll look at steps you can take to heal what's inside of you causing any negative reflections you dislike, and how you can work with your child ego self to help you do this. Then we'll talk about enharmonic relationships, and how we think we're holding on to something good and stay in them. We'll show you what you really holding on to - something that's not even there. Then we'll show you how establishing and spending positive time with your child ego self, brings you into the actual practice of loving yourself, which will affect your vibration, causing you to become a match to harmonic relationships. Then Seqkat will guide us into a small meditation to meet with our child ego selves. Then we'll go over the PDF file and fill in what your Quest Adventures are for this week, then open for questions and/or coaching!
- Guide them into the Reconnection to Essence routine.
- Discuss how other people are reflections of us. Remind them you can connect with anything to which your vibration is not a match to. So, others we come in contact with either briefly, or have habitual contact with we are in a matching vibration of some sort with them.
- People are either reflecting an aspect of something that we are doing also, but sometimes they're reflection is an extreme. And sometimes we need to see that extreme to find its subtlety inside of us. A good example of this is to think of someone you know that does something you really dislike and that causes you to feel really negative about them or what they are doing. I'll go ahead and use the example of what I've had to work through with my father. He's very judgmental of those that do anything different from the societal norm. But even more so than that, he's very judgmental if you do anything that is different from how he would do it. His judgment, my ego "thought" was causing me years of grief. How do you find your reflection in a situation like this? Look at where it's hitting you, personally. Where's your pain?
- For me my pain was, he was judging me for being different from him. Now a reflection is easy really to see. When you look in a mirror, you're seeing a flipped visual of yourself. When you look at the mirror and look at your left eye, you call it your right eye, but if another sees you straight on your left eye appears to be the right side from their point of view. So, to see your reflection flip the pain. He was judging me for being different from me. And what was I doing? Judging him for judging me for being different from him. The exact same reflection! Now, my ego would have loved to have pointed out that I would not have judged him, if he was not judging me first. But the truth is - everybody moves away from pain. That was the vibration we both held that matched. Judgement is to move away from pain. You announce, "I don't like that," to identify a contrast to move away from it and towards a preference, that which you do like.
- Once I figured that out, I was able to stop feeling pain and suffering from him judging me. I realized he was the same as me. Now that is only one way, people reflect to us, a match. Something else people reflect to us, and this one is very important and much overlooked - they reflect to us, what we are doing to ourselves, whether we define that as good or bad.
- One of the problems my Little One was having with my father, is she knew very well, we were not connecting. I'm spiritual, he's religious, I'm open minded and do things that are off the beaten path, he's very societal, and does things like everyone else. Neither are bad, his way to live or mine - they're just different. But trying to continue to behave as connecting family members, when we were not, was wreaking havoc stress on me, and I know it was on him as well. It's like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. It's not going to fit. So, my Little One was angry with - him? Because we no longer connected? Sure at first she wanted to blame him. But in reality, I was the one that ventured off and became different. He always was that way, and when I was a small child, he guided me to follow his path, and while I was young and impressionable and it appeared I'd follow his path, we connected and got along. But then as I grew older and started making different choices, following who I am, not who he is, our disconnection began to grow. And she wanted to blame him, but it was really me that strayed away from his matching path.
- But then I still wanted to "try and do the right thing" and do the family obligations like at Christmas time, and visit, rarely but try and visit at times, and every time I did I found myself very uncomfortable - remember square peg - round hole. No fit, just pain and discomfort. So, then she got angry at me, for not taking care of me. I continued to subject myself to his painful conversations of not listening to me, indulging and supporting who he was, while he blew me off, if I said anything I've been doing of late, and as I had learned years ago, don't even bother to share my interests with him.
- Back in 2011 I talked to him to apologize and explain, why I wasn't around so much, and came clean I had abandonment issues. He smirked at me and told me quite literally that my problem was not abandonment issues, it was my spirituality. And I didn't argue with him. I didn't stand up for myself. I didn't want to lose him. So, I tolerated his insult, as I had many of them over the years And my Little One was fed up with that. I had locked her up in the room again, and told her to get over it, so as not to lose my father. I was locking away myself from me, so as not to lose my father from me.
- So, the relationship then began to show me what I was doing. I was tolerating this relationship, continuing, so as not to hurt him and a deep fear of losing him. When in reality, I was hurting us both. And he of course was doing the same thing. And I was not happy with this toleration, but I kept putting myself through it. Until last Christmas, and I said, no, no more, and ended this nonsensical obligatory get togethers.
- I let him know, I felt like he did not support me and judged me, while I gave him support. I had suffered judgement from him with my abandonment issues, as he does not believe in depression or anything of the like. So, I stood up for my Little One and set some ground rules, that I'd talk with him and work on our relationship, if he did some research on the abandonment issues, and see that it had nothing to do with my spirituality. He chose not to do that, and that is truly okay with me. I harbor no anger at him for it at all. I understand he cannot understand. I'm not out to change him, and make him open and think like me. I'm just out to be comfortable with me. And I'm not agitated or hurt by it, because now, I am taking care of me, and my Little One is happy, because I'm taking care of her, thus me. In the past I was agitated and hurt by everything that happened between me and my father, because no one was taking care of me, not him, (it's not his job to), nor me, who's job it was to!
- So, that's an example of what else relationships can show us - what we're doing to ourselves, and what we need to change to be healthy for ourselves. I was being tolerant of others abuse, so as not to hurt them or lose them, instead of taking care of me by standing up for myself and being authentically, who I am. I was giving up who I was to make other people happy. And that was the vibrational match, I was holding that was keeping me tethered to my father's abuse. Once I chose not to do that anymore, I was free.
- And that's how working with your ego self, can truly benefit you, by helping you to release fears to holding on to something unhealthy. I was wanting my father's love I once had as a small child, so I was putting up with his abuse, as an adult, so as not to lose that love. But in actuality, that kind of love of fondness and acceptance, had long been gone, because our relationship was not the same. I was holding on to something that wasn't even there, and subjecting myself needlessly to pain to supposedly not lose, what I had already lost.
- So, working with your ego self when others are pricking you, is a great way to find out what you're doing within yourself and for what reasons. And once you work this out, you'll find yourself in harmonic relationships. Old relationships that are not harmonic, yes, very well may fall away, but if you have fear of that, you have fear of losing an illusion, because if you're not connecting and you're in pain, that's the reality you're holding on to - disconnection and pain. Let it go. You really do not want that disconnection and pain. An illusive fear of being alone, is one culprit that will make us hold onto disconnection and pain. If you build a loving relationship with your ego self, you will not feel alone. For you will be giving yourself the love you need. And then, you'll only be a match to other such relationships - a match to other people who can love you for you are, because that's what you'll be doing - loving you for who you are, and honoring yourself with such love. That's the law of attraction in action.
- This is why it's important to not only look at the negatives your ego self is experiencing and working with it in regards to it, but it's also extremely important to spend positive time with your ego self, for this is giving yourself continued positive love, just what we like we like to get from our relationships with other people. This is how we love ourselves, and we've all heard it, most of our lives, we have to love ourself first. This is how to do that. Spend meditative time on both the negative feelings and positive feelings your ego self is experiencing.
- So, anything that came up last week for you, and your ego self went into the blame game, go back and look at that this week, and see where you can find the true vibrational match and uncover the illusive fears. You can ask your Higher Self for help with this.
- Guide them into a guided meditation of meeting their Little One in a positive setting.
- PDF file fill in the blanks.
- Fill our the Quest Adventure for this week.
PDF File:
- Something other people reflect to us are ________________________________________. (aspects we have within ourselves)
- They show us, what we like about ourselves or something we ______________________________________________. (we need to improve to feel happier)
- People also reflect to us _________________________________________ what we are doing to ourselves that holds us in contrast - that which we do not like.
- Looking into the mirrors that other people are to us, can help us see in ourselves, what we need to do to _____________________________________________. (to move towards our preference - that which we do like)
- Judgement is an announcement we make, identifying something we dislike in order to _______________________________________________. (move away from pain)
- Developing a loving relationship with your ego self, is how you can truly come to love yourself, making you a vibrational match to relationships with others who ______________________________________________________. (truly love, accept and support who you are)
- Quest Adventures this week: Continue to do your daily ___________________________________. (Reconnection to Essence routine) Look over ____________________________________________ (blame game incidents) with your ego self that came forth last week or that comes forth this week, and look to see how ______________________________________. (you're a vibrational match to it) Look for how you're ________________________________ (hurting yourself) with any of your choices you're making in your relationships. Apologize, validate, comfort and love your ego self with what comes forth. Share any experiences you like, or would like advice, and/or questions with us at Wize Vibez.
Week 6 - Being Who You Really Are - Your Greatest Thriving Point:
- Agenda of the Day: Seqkat will start us with the Reconnection to Essence routine. And then we'll move into talk about authenticity. How our avoiding to be authentic with others because of feared outcomes, is really prolonging and delaying and causing those feared outcomes to come to fruition with added pain because of the prolonging. We're then going to look out how not being authentic with others is causing our ego self to not trust us, as we don't set up boundaries, or allow others to break them. Then we're going to look at how we block our authenticity to ourselves because of feared outcomes with others that spreads to deeper areas of blocking what in life will cause us to thrive such as knowing what our Life Purpose is and thus embarking it. In whole we'll be showing you how being authentic is being in alignment with your Higher Self, and how you can you measure whether or not you are. Then we'll fill in PDF questions and look at your Quest Adventures for this week. We'll then open for questions, sharing and/or coaching.
- One of the most important ways to love ourselves is to be authentic. Be authentic to yourself about yourself and be authentic of yourself to others. Placating others is crucial area in which we our ego self loses trust of us, which means we don't trust ourselves, and is the breeding ground for resentment building with others. So you are not only hurting yourself, when you are not authentic, but your harming your relationships as well. When do something just for the sake of pleasing others to shut them up, so we don't we have to deal with their dislike of who we are, builds a relationship on falsehood. They think you are doing okay where you are in your relationship with them, when you're not. And this is all relationships, parental, siblings, spouses, lovers, friends, employees, bosses and so forth.
- Let's use a simple example of your cherished friend, Sally Sue. She does something that really annoys you, such as she makes lunch dates for you to attend with her with her friends. And you and her friends just aren't a match. So, two to three times a week, you're having to tolerate 1 to 2 hour lunches being with people and putting on a show just to please Sally Sue. If you choose to not be honest with Sally Sue, and feign you're enjoying them, so as not to upset or hurt Sally Sue, and ultimately most of us do this, so we don't lose our friend Sally Sue, (ego here is going to survival mentality - amg - if I lose my friend Sally Sue, I will end up all alone), slowly resentment will build up and cause tension between you and Sally Sue. And she will not understand why this is happening.
- Eventually you may arrive to a boiling point where if you have to sit through one more of those lunches, you'll turn into a tyrant, and an argument bursts between you and Sally Sue, and you vehemently spit this out how you hate these lunches, and you blame her for them. She's going to be shocked. Because she was assuming all along you did like these lunches, when you didn't. How could she assume otherwise, when you didn't tell you? So you're not being authentic is what is really causing strife in this relationship, not Sally Sue's lunch dates. So, this is something to keep in mind, when you start feeling yourself going into fear and wanting to placate or please another because of fear of losing the relationship, this is a reminder to you, not being authentic will slowly cause disconnection in the relationship.
- If you had been authentic in the beginning with Sally Sue, telling her, you enjoy her company and lunches with her, but not with her friends. You can assure her it's nothing personal, perhaps it's you, you're not a crowd person, (if this is your truth), or you and her friends just aren't on the same wavelength, whatever your truth may be, share it civilly and nicely, then you could have a lunch with her at times, and she could have her lunches with her friends w/o you. And you can fully be you, and no resentment will build.
- But what if, you share your truth and this just ruins the relationship for Sally Sue, and she ends it. This is a deal breaker for Sally, she must have friends who like to hang out with her and her other friends? Being authentic just destroyed this relationship, your ego may be arguing, and this is what your ego fears to begin with. Here's the truth of it. You were never a full match to Sally to begin with. If this is a deal breaker for her, isn't it better to find this out early on by you being authentic, then dragging this out for months, with you being miserable at these lunches, and then your relationship is slowly destroyed with this tension of disconnection.
- So in this regard yes, authentication, being honest about who you really are in all of your relationships does qualify your relationships of whether you're a match to them. Deep down we all want relationships with people who accept, love and fully appreciate us, exactly for who we are. We don't want relationships with people trying to change and conform us into being someone they want us to be. The only way you can find people who accept you for who you really are, is you have to be who you really are and stop putting on shows that you are the person they want you to be. And then they have to decide if they like the real person you are presenting to them. And if they don't then you both part ways, and yes at times this may be family members. One of society's painful pressures it applies are the awful obligations of family.
- For those of you looking for your Life Purpose. Stepping into being authentically you, can truly help you with this. Our unbalanced ego usually blocks what our Life Purpose is as a result of staying out of alignment of who you truly are. It does this to placate others, so as not to receive repercussions of them scolding, disliking, who we are. Now, here I'm speaking about your personality, your character traits. Sometimes we'll block from ourselves who we really are to be like who we are with, so as not to lose our connection with them. For example, you may be shy, or a home body type, but you allow yourself to be dictated to others to keep going out and spending time with them to keep them happy. You may not be a dare devil type, but your lover or spouse is. You may trick yourself into believing you like the risks and challenges your lover or spouse does, like racing, sky diving and what not to placate them, so as not to lose them. Anytime you are pretending to be someone you're not with others or even with yourself, you are not in alignment with your Higher Self. And you'll notice something is feeling off. Your feelings are an excellent indicator of whether or not you're in alignment with your Higher Self. It's a brilliant way to test yourself. Just check your feelings.
PDF File:
- PDF Diagrams
- When you are not authentic in a relationship, you are not saving or protecting the connection of your relationship. You are ____________________________________. (slowly destroying it with resentment)
- Authentication - being who you really are in all of your relationships ____________________________________________. (qualifies if you're a match with them)
- Deep down we all want relationships with people who __________________________________________ (accept, love and fully appreciate us), exactly for who we are.
- We don't want relationships with people trying to ________________________________________ (change and conform us) into being someone they __________________________________ . (want us to be)
- The only way you can find people who ________________________ (accept you) for who you really are) is you have to be who you really are and stop putting on shows that you are the person ____________________________________. (they want you to be)
- Anytime you are pretending to do or be someone you're not, ______________________________________________________ (you are not in alignment with your Higher Self). That is __________________________________ (ego seeking to survive). Aligning with your Higher Self puts you back __________________________________ (on the path to thrive).
- Quest Adventures this week: Continue to do your Reconnection to Essence routine, daily. Continue to connect with your Higher Self and ego self, as life presents itself and/or with purposeful intention to connect. These can be just a few minutes of speaking with one or the either, or mediations, long or short. Ask your Higher Self and ego self to show you anywhere you are not being authentic with yourself and/or others. If ego presents you fear as to why it's not, permit its full expression with validation, comfort and compassion. And when its ready, which may be a day, an hour, several days later, depending on how deep the issue is, then see if you can get guidance and help on proceeding forward to be more authentic.
Week 7 - Bringing Ego into Balance with Your Higher Self through Surrendering to Your Higher Self, Moving out of Suffering and into Joy.
- Agenda of the Day: Seqkat's going to guide us into the Reconnection to Essence Routine. Then we're going to discuss about surrendering the ego's control to the Higher Self. We'll discuss the benefits of it and how to do it, and sneaky places your ego may be in control through which you're unaware! Then Seqkat is going to guide us in a meditation to lead us into surrendering to the Higher Self. Then we'll fill the PDF file questions and go over your Quest Adventures for the week!
- Guide them into the Reconnection to Essence Routine.
- Discuss with their continued work with their ego self, allowing it to express it's pains fully, and receiving validation, compassion and comfort from them, and spending some meditative time doing something for fun with their ego self, their ego should be coming to a place of starting to trust them. Also, engaging in being authentic within your relationships, looking out for your ego with setting up healthy boundaries for yourself, and abiding by them strengthens even more trust.
- Now, that you're developing this trust, you can start merging your ego with the wisdom of your Higher Self. As we do this, you'll start to uncover places you may not be aware that your ego is holding control with fear. Layers will unfold that will show you in time. When you find them, you can surrender to the Higher Self for its wisdom, releasing the fear. And we're going to get into how to do that, but first let's get a deeper look at what's going on.
- PDF Diagram Shou - We may think there's a tug-of-war between the Higher Self and ego self, but there's really not. The Higher Self being the God in you, allows the ego to do what it wants, so there's no pulling from the Higher Self side. It gently nudges and encourages, but lets your ego do what it wants. You ever maintain your freedom to choose.
- Though when you look at your life and see contrast in it you dislike, you're thinking you don't want this in your life. But there is a part of you that is wanting it, and that's why it is there. You're creating it in your life. When you become consciously aware that you are allowing your dislikes (contrasts - and you do want them for the sake of experience, as we talked about in the past, you cannot know hot w/o having experienced cold, or you want them because your ego is trying to run away from fears) it is then you are empowered to search within your ego to find its fears and where its desperately holding control, so you can release them and surrender to your Higher Self to experience your preferences.
- After you've experienced enough contrasts, we do desire to move into preferences (liked) experiences, but ego can get too deep in the mud of the story with its fears of pain, and you can get stuck in constantly repeating your current creation of dislike. You're maintaining your vibration that is a match to your dislike. Letting go is what it will take to change your vibration to become a match to tune into the frequency of your likes to experience them in your outer reality. But it has to take place first in your inner reality. Where you are right now in the midst of your contrast has to become okay with you, if it were never to change. When you can define it as okay with your feelings, all your suffering stops, your vibration changes from suffering that was attracting more suffering to becoming a vibration that everything is okay, and thus you start attracting more things that are okay. And from there this is why we want to practice joy embracing things in life we enjoy to attract even better than okay through coming into a vibration of joy and attracting more joy.
- So how we do come to a place where we can define something we dislike as okay? Look at where you are right now. See how things could be worse, but they're not, and that's better than those could be worses, and so you're okay. So, if you don't ever get your desire, at least you're not in the worser situation. You are okay, right where you are right now. Building that relationship with your ego self and your Higher Self is really key here, because then your ego can trust you with your choice to trust your Higher Self to take care of you - to let go of those reins and let the Higher Self take you home to who you really are.
- This is why it's so important to build this relationship with your ego self, both working with its fears and having fun to establish that trust so that when it's really frightened and you can consciously see it, you can make a conscious choice to surrender to your Higher Self, and your ego surrenders with you, and is willing to do so. Then everything that was closed and blocked just opens up! Because ego is no longer controlling choices based on survival mentality of trying to avoid fears and pain. You've released the reins and let the Higher Self guide you and lead you to thrive, living life doing the things you love.
- Guide them into a meditation to where they surrender to their Higher Self, willingly.
PDF File:
- PDF Diagrams
- You are the __________________ (creator) of your life. Anything you are experiencing on some level you want to experience it. Either for the sake of experience or because your ego ___________________________. (fears possible pains of moving towards your preferences) With this your ego can get stuck in the story of constantly recreating contrasts you dislike because you ______________________________________________. (maintain a matching vibration to it) To get unstuck you need to _____________________________________________________. (surrender your ego to your Higher Self)
- For suffering to end you must come to feel whatever contrast you are enduring right now __________________. (is okay) This changes your vibration of things being not okay, which has constantly been ____________________________________________ (attracting more circumstances that are not okay) to become a new vibration that everything is okay, and thus you start attracting more circumstances that are okay.
- And this is why it is important to also engage in that __________________________,(which gives you joy) activities, being with people you love, etc; so that you get into a ____________________________________, (vibration of being in joy) which then attracts more circumstances to you that bring you joy.
- It's important to build a relationship with your ego self, both working with its fears and having fun to establish trust so that when it's really frightened and you can consciously see it, you can make a conscious choice to ______________________________________________________ (surrender to your Higher Self), and your ego surrenders with you, and __________________________________. is (willing to do so) Then everything that was closed and blocked just opens up! Because ego is no longer controlling choices based on survival mentality of trying to avoid fears and pain. You've released the reins and let the Higher Self __________________________________________________________________________.(guide you and lead you to thrive, living life doing the things you love)
- Quest Adventures this week: Continue your daily practice of the Reconnection to Essence. Indulge in whatever meditations you like to meet with your Higher Self or ego self. Practice when any situations arise, where you sense you're wanting to move towards a desire, but feel ego is fearing - practice surrendering it to the Higher Self, and just let go. Come to that place, where you are perfectly okay with exactly where you are right this moment. Really fun one! Make a list of things that you like to do for sheer joy and pick from your list and try to do some things that bring you joy each day! :) Remember, while doing so, you'll be bringing yourself into vibration that will attract more circumstances that bring you joy.
Week 8 - Manifestation - How Limited Beliefs, Definitions, Labels and Associations Play a Key Role in Manifesting Your Desires or Contrasts:
- Agenda of the Day: Seqkat will guide us into the Reconnection to Essence Routine. Then we'll start discussing manifestation to include Law of Attraction, and how we block the manifestations we're desiring to make with limited beliefs, definitions, labels and associations. We'll describe what each are and give a thorough look at a big one in most of our lives - worthiness. We'll also give examples as to how these can be playing out in your life for easy relativity. We'll also discuss how to work with your ego when you discover these limited beliefs. Then Shou will go over resistance and his diagram. Then we'll fill in the PDF file and go over your Quest Adventures for the week and then go into live questions, sharing and/or coaching.
- Guide them into the Reconnection to Essence Routine.
- Today, we're going to look at manifestation. Many are familiar with the Law of Attraction that like attract likes, and we've discussed this in prior weeks in the program as well, as to how we draw experiences in our lives, being a matching vibration because of where our focus, and unconscious focus is. We're going to show you today, how your ego plays a huge role in your manifestations either hindering you in your manifestations of preference, or creating with great ease the contrasts you're not wanting in you life.
- One of the biggest culprits here is unconscious focus and this happening in hidden areas such as limited beliefs, this one being somewhat popularly known but also in even greater hidden areas such as labels, definitions and associations. First, let's look at limited beliefs. These are beliefs you can't have your desires, and must endure contrasts, that which you don't like because … and here you fill in your personal blank. One of the primary underlying beliefs here is a belief in unworthiness. This comes from environmental conditioning of earning, which leads us into a belief of deserving, and we fall into the trap, if we didn't earn something, then we don't deserve it. And if we don't deserve it, then we are unworthy. Hello school system. You had to earn your A's.
- But it's also the school system that we can look at to bust this belief. If you study hard to earn your A, that you now deserve, and that you are now worthy of bc you studied hard, what happens, when you still got an F, because your mind just could not comprehend it? You put in the work, the effort to earn it, to deserve it, and to be worthy of it, but still you didn't get it. You can use this example to help show you, you don't have to earn good experiences in life. You are worthy of good experiences in life, simply because you are here!
- Now, here's where society likes to bark, but the lazy man, who doesn't work, shouldn't get tons of money. He should have to work to go get it. This deepens our limited belief of unworthiness, and having to earn something to deserve it, and is also a part of our conditioning that led us to this belief. Society has a notion that man is really lazy, and doesn't want to work to earn his money. What it's not understanding is society has perverted what we must do to earn money. Man naturally gravitates towards his preferences, towards his desires, (as long as he's not associating any pains with it). The best way to observe this is to watch a small child. If left to do what it wants, that it's exactly what the child will do - do what it wants to do.
- Because of greed and man wanting to horde money that comes from a limited belief there is not enough for everyone, society is conformed to make the bigger man (like your boss for example) over us money. So if you're not working, guess what? The bigger man can't be over you to make money off of you. So, society starts pushing and prodding us, as young as 5 years old to start doing that which we don't want to do. We have to be put into some sort of school system, or home school education that meets society's standards, and have to start learning things we don't want to learn. All through school we forced through subjects that aren't in alignment of our nature. Everyone has to take their native language for example, and everyone has to take math courses, and you have to keep taking more and more advanced courses in these subjects. While at least 9/10ths of the population is either good in linguistics or good in mathematics, and both sides are being pushed to perform and perform well in one or the other subjects that is difficult their mind to comprehend. We're each different with a unique gift to share and somethings are not in alignment with us, and it doesn't work, when we're continuously getting pushed to do something that isn't working for us.
- Pressure gets applied that we must get good grades even in the subjects we're not getting because our mind is just not aligned to get that subject. Punishments are suggested by parents and/or the school, instilling fear in the students. This promotes cheating to avoid pain, or exhaustive study that still doesn't lead the student to that perfect A, and the student feeling like an utter failure, which can lead to inferiority feelings. Then jobs, we move on from school to jobs. And the focus is placed on the most important primary thing - make money. And of course it is, because if you're not out there making money with that bigger man over you, he's not making money. So the majority of the population goes out there and gets a job they're not in alignment with to accomplish one goal - make money.
- Let's look at a different scenario. Take a young child and in the schools let them start figuring out what the young child's natural talents and likes are. Teach him in the subjects that match his natural talents and likes. He now wants to learn vs. pushing himself to do work he hates, doing homework he hates, and putting up with and tolerating school. He now enjoys his subjects that are tailored around his likes. You can even slip in the needed languages and mathematics in the enticing wrapping of his subjects of likes. But you don't have to keep pushing advance classes, like conjugating sentences for those who are mathematically inclined. Who the fuck cares if there is a dangling particle in this sentence. As long as you can read and write properly, you're good to go, you don't have to understand what makes it proper. And really, how many of the normal population uses that algebra they've long forgotten from high school?
- Now the child learns and develops its natural talents in such an environment, so that when he's completed school, he's ready for a career, not a job, doing something he loves, because he's really skilled, and experienced, as well as naturally talented for it. And when he goes to "work" now, he doesn't even feel like he's at "work". He's getting paid to do what he loves, and he's excited to do it! He doesn't feel like he has to work hard to earn something, to deserve it to be worthy of it. He already feels worthy of it. I went on this long tangent here to show you how society breeds inside of you that belief of worthiness, earning, deserving and laziness. Man is not naturally lazy. He wants to do what brings him joy. And as soon as society learns to embrace that they're in for a nice surprise, because the reason society thinks man is lazy is because society keeps putting pressure on man to be someone he's not and to do things he's not alignment with. Support a person to be who they are, and they'll naturally gravitate towards being productive, as it gives them joy to do so!
- Next, let's look at definitions. We discussed last week, when we define something as not okay, that's where suffering resides. If you can take a situation you dislike and truly define it as okay, suffering ends. And that's of course what changes you from existing in the vibration of things are not okay, and attracting such to existing in the vibration things are okay, and now attracting such. So how do definitions affect your manifestations? Let's say your trying to manifest the perfect romantic partner coming into your life. But you have had bad experiences in this department. If you have definitions such as the other gender just doesn't understand you, you're in that belief, (hello limited belief), and that vibration and you'll continue to attract that opposite gender not understanding you. That definition is keeping you locked into that manifestation not yielding what you're trying to get it to yield.
- We can use that same example to look at associations. Let's say you grew up with your parents as a child, as they always fussed and argued. Maybe it was even really intense. You more than likely have an unconscious belief that couples in a romantic relationship, do not get along. So the idea of you getting into a romantic relationship and of course your intention is for it to be far grander than that of your parents, your ego is going to start flipping out because it's associating beliefs that romantic couples do not get along, and that you're going to immerse yourself into hell by getting into one. Now, it's pulling out all the stops with fears to thwart you getting that relationship to protect you from that threatening hell. Remember, ego is always searching, looking at life from a survival mode. And of course you can see her, associations are another sort of limited belief.
- Labels are the last one we're looking at. Let's continue to use that romantic relationship endeavor as an example. Let's say, you are a female, and when you were a child, your father was abusive to you and your mother. And you did not have exposure to men being nice to their spouses and children through other contact with family, friends, or what have you, while you were still in your impressionable, subconscious developing ages of 1-6. You've most likely developed an unconscious belief that the role of father and husband is mean. So, here you've labeled these roles, father and husband as mean. Your vibration is a match to someone filling those roles will be mean to the people fulfilling the role of wife or children. More than likely, if this goes undetected, as most of our unconscious limited beliefs, definitions, labels and associations do, when you get into the romantic relationship, you won't see it coming, but eventually that is what will be replayed for you. A husband who is abusive to you and your children. This was because your vibration was not a match to a person who would not be abusive to those roles. You can see here too, that labels are yet another form of limited beliefs.
- We've gotten a good look at today all the forms of limited beliefs and how they block our manifestations. Now, what do we do about them? How do we find these limited beliefs and how do we change them, so we can change our vibration and start manifesting our desires. You can work with your ego self here. Anytime you get a desire, and remember desires that give you joy come from your Higher Self, and once you've experience the joy at the idea of reaching for that desire, and later negative feelings such as fear, or anxiety, or not so sureness starts cropping up, usually takes a day or two - this is the time to ask your ego self, where is this fear coming from, and be open and ready for its answers of a past experience, and be ready to validate and comfort it through its pains. You do not want to gloss over this process, and then jump to the Higher Self wisdom, as the ego self will not trust you. You can't move towards your desire until your ego self feels the want of the desire as well. Your mind can want it all day long, but while your ego is fearing it, you're stuck, you're not able to move towards it, because your vibration is simply not a match to it.
- So, if you've been working with the LoA towards attaining a certain desire, and it's not been fruitful for you, this is where you want to look. Go check with your ego self with direct questions to get those hidden, limited beliefs, definitions, labels and associations to rise to the surface. And next week, we are going to reeeeally help you with this our Erase It & Replace It process! We're going to easily help you uncover those beliefs, erase them and replace them with positive beliefs for you to start visualizing to start bringing your manifestations into your reality!
PDF File:
- PDF Diagrams
- A primary limited belief is usually that the person believes they are _________________________________. (not worthy of good experiences) They believe they have to earn to be able to deserve that which they want.
- You are worthy of good experiences in life ___________________________________. (simply because you are here!) Source/God/Divinity is in us, is a part of us, and chooses to experience through us. So being a part of Source/God/Divinity makes you worthy in itself.
- The reason society thinks man is lazy is because society keeps putting pressure on man to be ________________________________________________________. (someone he's not and to do things he's not in alignment with)
- Support a person to be who they are, and they'll naturally gravitate towards being ______________________________________________________________! (productive, as it gives them joy to do so)
- Other variations of limited beliefs are definitions, having a _____________________________________________ (definition that something is bad), labels, ____________________________________(labeling something as bad), associations, connecting something with something, ___________________________________________. ( associating that connection as bad)
- To help you find limited beliefs you can ask _____________________________________ (your ego self directly, why it is feeling any negative feelings) when you think of a desire of yours.
- Quest Adventures for this week: Continue with your Reconnection to Essence Routine on a daily basis. Try to definitely squeeze in a fun meditation with your ego self, even if it's short for only a few minutes. Take a look at things in your life you've been trying to create that you desire, and ask your ego self about any fears it may be having regarding it, and see with its answer if you can identify any of the limited beliefs, labels, definitions and associations we discussed today are there. Make a small list of things you would like to create in your life for next week to have ready for the Erase It and Replace It, because we will be asking you to share things you want to manifest in your life to help you find your personal limiting beliefs that are snaring you with it.
Week 9 - Erase It & Replace It:
- Agenda of the Day: Today's agenda is a little bit different. First, Seqkat will guide us into the Reconnection to Essence Routine, and then next we'll explain exactly what is involved in our Erase It & Replace It process, how it works, and an explanation of the history of a portion of it. Then we're going to launch right into putting it into practice. For those of you on the recorded call, we invite you with high recommendation to listen in, as we go through the process to get a real feel of how you can do this yourself for your personal desires and circumstances.
- Guide them into Reconnection to Essence Routine.
- First, I want to talk a little bit about Ho'oponopono, as we use a little bit of this as part of our process that I developed for the Erase It & Replace it. As defined in a Hawaiian dictionary it's traditional practice is a "mental cleansing: family conferences in which relationships were set right through prayer, discussion, confession, repentance, and mutual restitution." Later in 1976 Morrnah Simeona, a healing priest, extended it beyond family to social realities to problem solving processes. Then Dr. Hew Len took this process in a different direction to use it to bring one to a zero state, co-authoring a book with Joe Vitale, Zero Limits. It's Dr. Hew's Len's objective to reach a state of no memory, no identity, taking 100% responsibility for not only his actions but those of others. He uses the process of Ho'oponopono to cleanse within himself what he sees showing up in the actions of others as well as himself.
- He has a very interesting story of coming to the call of help to the Hawaii State Hospital who housed a special ward of mentally ill criminals. These were severe cases, making things extremely difficult for the staff. These criminals had committed hideous crimes and sought every opportunity to attack both staff and other criminals. Not a day went by where someone was not attacked. They brought in Dr. Lew Hen, and the other staff had no hope he could help them. Curiously, he never met the patients in person. He merely read their medical files, and utilized his method of Ho'oponopono. Slowly, things started changing. Patients were able to get off meds and some were able to go outside and play tennis with each other and the staff. Prisoners began being released until ultimately there only remained a couple of inmates, and they were relocated elsewhere, and this clinic actually closed.
- I am in agreement with Dr. Hew Len of taking responsibility of the actions in others. His thoughts are if someone shows up in his life that is capable of committing murder there is something inside of him that is a match to that, or he would not see it. It would not show up in his life. With the Law of Attraction I agree with him completely. It may be a little difficult to consider, if you heard something on the news about murder that something inside of you is a vibrational match to that, but it's in pure alignment with the Law of Attraction which cannot fail - like attracts like. You tune into that which you are a matching frequency. It could be a victim mentality inside of you making you a match to the murderer. Perhaps, it's a need to control others and direct outcomes at the sake of others in which you're a vibrational match. We've discussed this in a past week how people are a mirror to us, reflecting and showing us what is inside of us that we may not have known. This is precisely that. This is a gift to us to show us what we want to clear to attain results we're desiring.
- So, it's from that perspective I took some of Dr. Hew Len's process, and using the traditional mantra of Ho'oponopono and developed my own process to find limited beliefs, and to erase them, and then I go a step further. I replace the erased negative belief to a positive, constructive one on which to place focus to create the desired results the limiting beliefs were originally holding us back from experiencing.
- With that being said, as we go through this, we're going to look at how you're a matching vibration to the negative aspects that have showed up in your life, then we're going to erase each one, using the mantra of Ho'oponopono, and then we'll replace them with positive thoughts.
- Shou pulls up the PDF file, illustrating the mantra of the Ho'oponopono.
- PDF File:
- Quest Adventures for the Week: Continue with your Reconnection to Essence Routine, daily. Spend time daily, visualizing the new positive beliefs, as if you're living them now for your dream/goal attainments.
Week 10 - The Power of Joy - How to Get into and Primarily Reside in the State of Joy:
- Agenda of the Day: Seqkat will guide us in the Reconnection to Essence Routine, then we'll discuss the importance of living in your joy and your worldly impact in doing so. Then we'll cover lightly what can keep you locked away from your joy, and then go over techniques you can do to bring you into your vibration of joy, and what to do to primarily stay in it. Then will fill in the blanks with the PDF files, and then take a look at what your Quest for Life Adventure is!
- Reconnection to Essense Routine.
- Shou will go over reasons to live in joy, sharing how it literally can impact the world for the greater good.
- One of the primary things that will keep you out of a paradigm of joy - is your past. How it has affected you, how it affects your ego to predict the future, and to pull out of the moment of now, constantly scrutinizing look for potential harm to protect you from. Otherwise known as worry and stress. This is one of the greatest benefits you received from this program having learned how to work with your ego to eliminate those past pains with the allowance of expression of feelings, validation, understanding and comforting them. Again, as we've reiterated many times, it is after that, the poison of negativity is released out of you, and no longer is there demanding attention that your ego can open up to the wisdom of the Higher Self, and allows its suggestions. Emphasis on allow here. By default your ego is in control for the Higher Self allows you full freedom. You have to consciously change that default and it's through the ego work, you do so. With the ego feeling clear of past stuff, and you now knowing how to handle new circumstances that arise, you no longer build up negativity like you have in the past. So, now with the past cleared, the processes we'll teach you from this point will offer you maximum potential. Don't think you can skip over taking care of and loving your ego and get to these processes and everything will work out fine. That's like putting a bandage on an infected wound thinking it will heal. You have to cleanse out that infection first.
- One very powerful technique to get into joy is to place your focus on the moment of now. sharing how focusing Bad memories of the past, pull you back into the negative energies of that time that happened at that time, that is not happening currently. This is a part of why letting go is so helpful for you, and how forgiveness is a gift to the forgiver. It helps you to pull out of and stay out of the negative energies of the past. Pull yourself back into the current moment and the energies of right now. Also, stresses of future thoughts. Worrying about possible bad things that could happen (emphasis on could - only could), places you in the negative energies of those possible realities, pulling you out of the energies of right now. Also, dreading the future, does the same thing. You have X appointment a week from now, and your thoughts go there, robbing you of where you are right now. The negative thoughts of the past and future lower your vibration, pulling you out of joy. To get into joy place your focus on where you are now. Breathe it in. Concentrate on it. Find what is joyful in this moment, and ponder on it, and be grateful for it. Put some conscious focus on it.
- Learning how to be happy with what you have - this is a big one. You have to learn how to be happy with you what you have now to ever be happy with what you get. Because if you don't learn that, as soon as you get what you want, you have what you want, and if you don't know how to be happy with what you have, you're missing out on the joy of having it that you were looking so forward to experiencing, while you were focused on getting what you want. Often times we get that brand new car, that video game, accomplishing a certain goal, and we're thrilled upon first getting it. And then, we take it for granted, and start wanting something new. To practice enjoying what you have, pause and ponder all the things you like about what you have. How well it serves you, how you like how it looks, feels, behaves, handles, and so forth. Pausing to truly be grateful for what you have.
- Gratitude log. The grat log is a great way to help you be happy with what you have, and bringing you into the moment of now. And the attitude of gratitude truly raises your vibration, raising you into joy, which brings you to a match to attract more of what you enjoy. Doing a daily gratitude log puts in writing the things you enjoy, which strengthens it, and as you pause to write down truly why you enjoy something, what elements it's offering you that you enjoy, you truly get into the feeling of joy, (and remember feeling is creating) the vibration of joy, which only acts to attract more of what you enjoy to you. A gratitude log is a powerful, powerful tool to living in joy.
- PDF File:
- You living in joy is truly the _____________________________________________________________________. (highest service you can offer the world). When you are in joy you act from a higher vibration which ____________________________________________________, (enables you to offer your best to others) as well serve to help raise their vibration.
- One of the primary things that will keep you out of a paradigm of joy _________________. (is your past) For this reason it's important to clear things from your past through working with and loving your ego self. It is through ______________________________________________ (taking care of and loving your ego) that utilizing joy processes will bring you the maximum potential of getting into and joy.
- An important technique for getting into joy is placing your focus on _______________________________________. (the moment of now) Negative energies resurface as you think of negative pasts which _______________________________________,(lower your vibration) pulling you out of joy. In the same token, worrying about future ________________________________________, (possible negative scenarios) and/or __________________________________ (dreading something) you have to do in the future, lowers your vibration too, pulling you out joy as well. All of which robs you of the joy ________________________________________________________. (that is offered to you in the moment of now)
- Another important technique for getting into joy is to learn how to to be happy with you _________________________________________________________. (what you have now to ever be happy with what you get) Once you get something you will have it, and if you don't know how to be happy with what you have, you're missing out ___________________________________ (on the joy of having it) that you were looking so forward to experiencing, while you were focused on getting what you want.
- The ______________________________ (attitude of gratitude) is very empowering to bring you into the moment of now and experiencing happiness with what you have.
- Doing a ________________________________________ (daily gratitude log) puts in writing the things you enjoy, which strengthens it, and as you pause to write down truly why you enjoy something, what elements it's offering you that you enjoy, you truly get into the feeling of joy and vibration of joy, which only acts to ___________________________________________________________. (attract more of what you enjoy to you) A gratitude log is a __________________________________________ (powerful, powerful tool) to living in joy.
- Quest Adventure for Life: Keep an ongoing gratitude log! Continue to work with your Higher Self and ego self, through communications and mediations. Utilize the breathing, and light cleansing techniques, as often as you feel you need them. You'll know. And if you really are wanting to get into some deep spiritual experiences, remember to utilize the numbers meditation technique.