shou winn
Shou's Biography & Mission
About Shou:
Shou is a fun yet sincere person. Being in his presence, there is a calm and accepting energy, alongside silliness and humor. He calls this "Sincerely Silly". He has a way of teaching that is concise, clear and to-the-point. "People need to know the truth, not the stories we've built around it. The Core Truth. This is when true transformation can occur." he says. "Though this doesn't mean we can't have fun with it!" Throughout his spiritual journey, Shou always found that finding the joy in things made it much more easier to love all of life and spiritually grow. And that by seeing each moment in its fullest beauty, our own lights within ourselves grew brighter. And in his eyes, this helps others to find their own path. He has since then taken a liking to finding fun and joyful ways to teach his message about the truth of all of life. One being creating Videos such as Wize Vibez TEC's Famously Funny "The Stuck Duck" on YouTube! More personally, Shou also lives a life full of joy himself! "I am my greatest example, just like everyone else. If you want others to live your message, so should you." he says. In his free time, Shou is a Writer, an Artist, a Musician (Plays the Ocarina and Sings), and enjoys a good conversation or T.V. show. He also enjoys spending time with family and learning something new. Shou has an extraordinary energy to him. Even since he was a child, anyone who was in his presence could feel a complete difference between him and any other child they had encountered. A sense of complete and overwhelming unconditional love was the only explanation those around him could give. Though, throughout his teenage years, he had lost touch with most of this side of him, as he had grown more victim to the world.
At the age of 16, Shou ended up getting a Chronic Debilitating Disease: Crohn's Disease. Along with symptoms of IBS, this was something not curable in the Medical Doctor's eyes. These diseases did not allow him to eat as he once did as any food that was high in fat, processed or unnatural would cause severe pain that left him disabled with severe pain for hours throughout the day and required him to stay at home until the age of 22. Throughout those 6 years, the pain and deprival of enjoying food triggered by these diseases and the loss of living any kind of normal life, pushed Shou to find answers about life. What was this all about? Why did he and others have to suffer? If there was a God, did he hate us? First, starting in the scientific realm, then finally the spiritual realm, he had to know the Ultimate Truth of Life. The answers started to come when he finally aligned with his Higher Self, or in other words God, Source-Self, after having a Near-Death experience from starvation. He had been underweight for nearly 6 years. His normal weight being 140 pounds at 70 inches tall, he had dropped down to just 94 pounds. 94 Pounds
This experience led him to finally understanding the truth of everything in life. No longer wanting to live and having let go of his life completely, he made the internal decision accept nothing more than to live the life he wanted. After doing so, he continued to be guided by his Higher Self until just 15 days later he was able to eat any food at all he wished and had even regained a healthy weight. 30 days later, the transformation had completed. He had fully aligned with his Higher Self and they had merged completely.
Day 30
These experiences brought Shou to find the Ultimate Truth he was searching for. That we at our cores are Source, God, Unconditional Love. And that tapping into this knowing that we are already Unlimited, Perfect and Complete as is and immersing ourselves into it, opens all the doors to miraculous transformation.
Shou is very passionate about spreading this message to people. His mission is to see the world go from just getting by surviving to actually living their dreams and thriving by teaching and coaching others to empower themselves through shifting their perspective. This is what inspired Shou to create Wize Vibez TEC's coaching program, Surviving Into Thriving, to guide people along the very same process he utilized to heal himself.
He now goes around the United States spreading this message with Seqkat through Wize Vibez TEC Workshops and Classes. |
A Personal Note from Shou
Throughout this Journey I have been on of Self Empowerment, I was coached. Yes, I didn't just do all of this by myself, I had the help of my mum, Seqkat. You see, she was on her own Journey as well at the time and so we decided to work together and Coach Each Other. And I can truly say although I had the help of Self-Help Books, Articles and Videos I invested my time in, I would have never made it this far without her support. She was able to see from the outside very clearly what I couldn't as I was so blinded and overwhelmed by the experience itself. This is the reason why I decided to become a Coach, to help and support those who want to Transform Their Lives! Thank You for coming here! Thank You for investing in not only Yourself but the whole world too. By Choosing to Live in More Joy, You are setting the Example for others around you. When you are in a state of Joy you are influencing others to do the same, it's contagious! I also want to give my Biggest Thanks and Appreciation to you Seqkat. To you mum, I am forever so grateful that you were by my side. And that you supported me and inspired me through your own growth. I Love You Oh So Very Much! <3 Much Love to You, Shou |