I'm a Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner and I've worked in Transformational Entertainment &
Personally, I have Transformed My Own Life from one Coaching since 201 0.
Throughout this Journey I have been on of Self Empowerment, I Seqkat. You see, she was on her own Journey as well at the time and so we decided to work together and Coach Each Other. And I can truly say although I had the help of Self-Help books,
articles and videos I invested my time in, I would have nev e r made it this far without her support. She was able to see from the outside very clearly wh at I couldn't as I was so blinded and overwhelmed by the experience itself. w as coached. Yes, I d idn't just do all of this by myself, I had the help of my mum, This is the reason why I decided to become a Coach, to help a n d support those who want to Transform Their Lives! |
If there's anything I'
ve learned throughout the years of my Transformational Journey it's this: Follo w Your J o y and Make Life F u n!When you do just that,
By Following Your Joy - Your Choosing to Live a Joyful Life! E V ER YTHING changes in your life. EVERYTHING Starts to Get Easier, our Learning Improves, You Transform at a Much Faster Pace, You Attract More of What You Desire and on top of all of that, You Become Happy! |
The Wizard's Mess a g e
I am 21 years of age and have experienced a lot of difficult contrast in my life. I was very spiritual when I was a child and many people tell me they could always feel this about me. However, during the programming years of my childhood I suppressed a lot of my spiritual self, as I felt that people would gravitate away from me because I was different. For the first 15 years of my life, I dealt with a lot of people in my family who taught me limiting beliefs about life.
For years I tried to fit in with society and be what they would call "normal". It gave me a sense of security and support as I did what society saw fit. I didn't believe anything unless it could be proven through science. Then it was around 2009 I began to go through some hard times with a girl that I liked. She moved and I felt that I couldn't be happy without her. This caused me to become depressed for a few months until I decided to suppress it even more. I went to food as my comfort and relief and continued to run away from my pain until it finally happened: I no longer could eat the foods I used to Escape My Pain.
I developed what was first IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) but later seemed to develop into Acute Crohn's disease or IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease). I was forced to give up most of my food as I could no longer digest it. I lost a ton of weight and became severely underweight. I decided then to finally open my mind. I needed relief and so I started transitioning to a healthier diet. For about 6 months I had went through excruciating pain when I used the bathroom along with doing anything such as moving too much and eating any "trigger" foods. I couldn't take the pain anymore, thus, I finally gave in to some spiritual insight for relief. My mum was really helpful with this, as she was going through her own spiritual issues and had years of a spiritual background to her disposal. We were able to support each other through our hard times and it really strengthened our bond. What really started to convince me that spirituality was a helpful and wonderful thing is that every time I worked on myself spiritually I found I was able to find more physical relief too. The spiritual enlightenment allowed me to consider doing even more alternative healing modalities to find relief. Ultimately, in 2011 I ended up adopting a Raw Vegan diet and this really gave me a ton of relief. All of my symptoms disappeared and I was pain free!
- A few of these would include: Crying meant you were weak for boys. Having negative feelings is bad and wrong, suppressing them is good and right. Living your dreams is impossible. You must work a job you hate and 'earn' your place in this world. Being 'Yourself' causes people to hate you and avoid you.
For years I tried to fit in with society and be what they would call "normal". It gave me a sense of security and support as I did what society saw fit. I didn't believe anything unless it could be proven through science. Then it was around 2009 I began to go through some hard times with a girl that I liked. She moved and I felt that I couldn't be happy without her. This caused me to become depressed for a few months until I decided to suppress it even more. I went to food as my comfort and relief and continued to run away from my pain until it finally happened: I no longer could eat the foods I used to Escape My Pain.
I developed what was first IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) but later seemed to develop into Acute Crohn's disease or IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease). I was forced to give up most of my food as I could no longer digest it. I lost a ton of weight and became severely underweight. I decided then to finally open my mind. I needed relief and so I started transitioning to a healthier diet. For about 6 months I had went through excruciating pain when I used the bathroom along with doing anything such as moving too much and eating any "trigger" foods. I couldn't take the pain anymore, thus, I finally gave in to some spiritual insight for relief. My mum was really helpful with this, as she was going through her own spiritual issues and had years of a spiritual background to her disposal. We were able to support each other through our hard times and it really strengthened our bond. What really started to convince me that spirituality was a helpful and wonderful thing is that every time I worked on myself spiritually I found I was able to find more physical relief too. The spiritual enlightenment allowed me to consider doing even more alternative healing modalities to find relief. Ultimately, in 2011 I ended up adopting a Raw Vegan diet and this really gave me a ton of relief. All of my symptoms disappeared and I was pain free!
However, although I was symptom-free and had no physical pain, I still had a few things that plagued me.
1.) I Was Still Underweight
2.) I Still Wasn't Very Happy
3.) I Had Severe Social Anxiety
1.) I Was Still Underweight
2.) I Still Wasn't Very Happy
3.) I Had Severe Social Anxiety
It is now 2015 and I am able to report that I have since then become very happy with my life and am even living the life of my dreams! Which for me started with me being able to fully express myself, my true spiritual self and love myself for it. I learned once I loved and respected myself for it, others either Step-Up or Step-Out.
Throughout the next t wo years 2011-2013 , I continued to work on myself spiritually with the aid of my mum. I continued to find that more relief to my depression would appear the more I worked on myself inside. I still had a science based mind that had to see the facts before I would believe spirituality or inner work could help me with my weight and relieve my depression. However, with time, this started to disappear and I started to believe. During the summer of 2013 I finally adopted full faith in living a spiritual lifestyle and that it all starts with the spirit and the physical is secondary. I have full love in living a spiritual life and I desire to spread as much love and joy to others so they can experience the wonders of living this way too!
You can do this too and Seqkat & I can help you do it!
Let us help you Step Into Your Own Power, so You too can Live the Life of Your Dreams! Within 2 years of finally putting most of my trust into living a spiritual lifestyle, I have been able conquer my Social Anxiety and Make Lots of New Friends who actually like me for my true self! I've also been able to have the Career of my Dreams which is Teaching others How to Empower Themselves through Transformational Entertainment & Life-Coaching. And on the side of all of that, I also have been able to increase the amount of Abundance coming into my life as well!
Oh and by the way if you're wondering, I've even been able to gain weight too! :)
Now! (As of May 2015)
My Thanks
Thank You for coming here!
Thank You for investing in not only Yourself but the whole world too. By choosing to Live in More Joy, You are setting the Example for others around you. When you are in a state of Joy you are influencing others to do the same, it's contagious!
I also want to give my biggest thanks and appreciation to you Seqkat. To you mum, I am forever so grateful that you were by my side.
And that you supported me and inspired me through your own growth.
I Love You Oh So Very Much!
Thank You for investing in not only Yourself but the whole world too. By choosing to Live in More Joy, You are setting the Example for others around you. When you are in a state of Joy you are influencing others to do the same, it's contagious!
I also want to give my biggest thanks and appreciation to you Seqkat. To you mum, I am forever so grateful that you were by my side.
And that you supported me and inspired me through your own growth.
I Love You Oh So Very Much!