Worry, stress, frustration, fear, greed, thievery, robbery, control, war ... this is how impactful the feeling of LACK of abundance is. I love Bashar's definition of abundance which is, "The ability to do what you need to do, when you need to do it." I wish to offer you an example to look at your life from a different angle of observation. If you've ever played a video or computer game, where you had to collect virtual gear, items, etc., for the game, welcome to life. That's exactly what ALL material items are like. Virtual items. Because matter is not real. It's an illusion. Now, look at the first sentence again. All that worry, stress, frustration, fear, greed, thievery, robbery, control, war ... all for truly what is - nothing.
We think we don't have enough. Enough of nothing. Enough of everything. You truly have everything at your disposal. You are denied nothing. It's only lack of understanding that perpetuates a belief, (notice the word lie in there) that materials are real, and that we don't have access to enough of the materials, and we're lacking. Now, before you say, "Seqkat, of course in spirituality that is true, but in our relative world, our 3D world that is not," I invite you to scientifically see how we can truly attain anything we want. In a nutshell this is how it works, then I will share sources that validate this for scientific research and proof (including that materials aren't real), if you like. Our DNA is what creates our reality. And our emotions are what affects what our DNA creates. Read that again. Our emotions are what affects what our DNA is creating. Creating is one observation of it. How does our DNA create the outer reality? Because the photons of our outer reality align with our DNA. When our emotions are positive, our DNA relaxes and expands, and when they are negative, they constrict. The first is allowing, the second is resisting. Your emotions are the key! This is why it's so important, when you wish to manifest something that you visualize and feel that you have that which you desire. That feeling is affecting your DNA and then your outer reality is aligning with your DNA, and hello outer reality. For those of you familiar with the Law of Attraction and using it to manifest your desires, this is how the manifestation is occurring. For some experiments conducted (with extraordinary results!) that proves this, I invite you to check out Gregg Braden and his book, "The Divine Matrix," that explains this in grander detail, as well as shares the evidence. I also invite you to do further research for other sources with this and you'll find this is being proven time and time again. So, here's to your joy, creating the life you desire! With awareness of how you are creating, you now know the importance of focusing on positive thoughts and feeling that positivity. Think good thoughts and feel the joy from them! My love to you all! Love & Joy, Seqkat >^..^<
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About Seqkat! (Say-Cat)
Transformational Author, Coach, Spiritual Energy Healer,
and Certified Practitioner of the Law of Attraction, Seqkat offers a vast background in spiritual teachings and practices. **Start Living** Your Heart's Desires in Just **30 Days!**