In a world full of responsibilities and overwhelming challenges sometimes it can be hard to feel positive and joyful about life. And so here are 5 Simple Steps to Bringing More Positivity in Your Life! Step 1: Realize There is Always a Positive!![]() Positivity and Negativity are Two Sides to the Same Coin. And because of this, you can always find a positive in a negative situation, you just have to look for it. You see what you put your focus on, you're going to see most of that. Your perception is kind of like a telescope, it's only limited at what you focus it at and you have the choice to look at anything that you want. Even while there might be a spider to the left, you can still choose to see the flower to the right of it. And you might find it inspiring that Life Favors the Positive More than it does the negative at that. Step 2: Accept Where You Are and Move Forward![]() A lot of us have the tendency to not accept where we are in life and what we are experiencing. This is choosing to focus on the negative of the situation. Know where you are so you can move forward. Learn what you can to help you get to where you want to be. Accepting where you are doesn't mean you have to stay where you are, it does quite the opposite actually, it propels you forward to your destination. It allows you to use the resources that you have right now where you are to achieve your goal and reach your destination. Step 3: Practice Gratitude![]() This is one of the most powerful tools you can use to bring more positivity in your life. By taking the time to look at all of the things you are thankful for you are practicing present positivity. This is literally taking the time to just choose to be positive. You will be amazed at how good you will feel after looking at all of the things you are thankful for even if it's for the day or the smallest thing. Try writing a Gratitude Log. This is kind of like a journal that you can write in daily. Take 10 minutes a day and write down everything in as much detail as you like (so that you can feel the positive from it) and you will bring a huge surge of positive energy into your life. You'll likely extend how long you do this as it is so life improving. And on the days you feel like its too hard to find the positive, go back and read the previous entries you made, it really helps on a rainy day. Step 4: Live Your Passion![]() If you Live Your Passion everyday not only are you bringing in more positivity into your life, but for all of Earth as well. By pursuing your Passion and Highest Joy you are expressing yourself at your best. When we have a genuine interest in something, we master it. We become one with it and it becomes our strongest tool to spread good in the world. You also stay in a better mood as you hold true love for what you do rather than just doing something because you feel that you have to. And just by being in a better mood, (which is positive if I might add) you are spreading more positive to others as well. And this triggers a butterfly effect that eventually influences the whole world to be more positive. Let's not forget that you are also teaching others in the best way possible to Live Their Passion by showing them the best example you can. Think about it, how did you learn the best in school? When a teacher told you something or when they showed you how to do it? Step 5: Have Fun Everyday!![]() This one should be a given for us all but you'd be surprised how many of us forget to do this everyday. We get so caught up in work, being responsible and just surviving that we forget One of the Key Ingredients to Actually Living: Enjoyment! We start to look at having fun and being happy as a bad thing, as it stops us from getting the things that need to be done, done. But you see when we neglect having fun in our lives and treat ourselves like machines everything starts to go down a deep spiral of negativity and things start to break down and get worse and worse. We even lose the will to live which leads to Productivity and Quality of that Productivity decreasing. It also causes our health to diminish as we stop taking care of ourselves. However, when you throw some fun into the equation, things start to get better! There have been some studies where big businesses started to give people more vacation time and benefits than they used to and the results were inspiring! Productivity and Production Quality increased, people started taking less sick days, and they even spread the word of how good the company was to work for, thus, increasing the company's reputation. So the point is this: When You Don't Force Yourself to Work All of the Time and Have Some Fun, You'll Work Better Which Leads to Better Productivity/Quality and a Better Quality Life for Us All.
1 Comment
1/15/2018 02:41:37 am
It can always be challenging to become positive. In fact, you can't bring positivity into your life without your consent. Another fact is, if you don't attain positivity, then the negative thoughts can overwhelm you now and then. Well, in this regard, if you consider my slant, then I can say that as long as you are allowed to do something according to your inner feeling, there is always be a hope to bring affirmative willingness into your life. You need to read the books that motivate you, listen to your inner instinct, focus on the positive, release the negative thought patterns, develop the agreeable habits, set your life goals, and work with a life coach so that you can bring more positiveness into your life.
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Transformational Author, Coach, Spiritual Designer,
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