Have you ever had extreme experiences in your life that are just too intense for you to take? Maybe you've wondered why they occurred or how you could stop them from happening all together? Well I empathize with you because I have and I found them very annoying, sometimes even life shattering. After years of experiencing them randomly throughout my life, I finally figured out how to walk out of the extremes and into balance. The Coin: Duality in ExtremesI'm going to just get straight to the point here: Living in Extremes is a sign of Living Out of Balance in some area of your life. If you want to stop Extreme Experiences you must choose not to take sides. You see Your Life is Like a Coin. You get two sides, Heads & Tails. And just like a coin, Life also gives you Duality and if you choose one side over the other, it can be extreme and intense. You Always Get the WHOLE COINDue to the nature of this world, Balance is required for things to exist. You can't have Black if you don't have White, Happiness without Sadness, Rich without Poor and so on. This is because each of these are labels of difference and if there were no opposites we would have no differences. And so, when you choose one side no matter which, you automatically choose the other side. Why? Because each side is part of a whole, and to choose one side you have to choose the Whole Coin which gives you both sides. For Example: If you choose one side to the extreme, normally you will become hateful and intolerant towards the opposite side. And so, this makes you resistant to the opposite side and a match to it as well. (What you Resist Persists) You see, for the balance of life to occur and for you to keep your position of extreme one-sidedness on whatever it may be, you must have the opposite side in your life. In most cases the opposite side will appear through other people but if not, it will choose anything in your life to express itself, including You! Lets say you went to the extreme of not speaking up for yourself for 3 months and then out of nowhere you blow up on people like a volcano. In this case you went to both extremes: Not Standing Up for Yourself at All and Standing Up for Yourself too Much! Also, while on that subject, choosing one side to the extreme breeds feelings of fear inside of you and if taken too far can lead to extreme consequences such as violence, war, disharmony and unrest. How many countless fights have you seen last decades because people only heard or listened to one side of the story? Choose to Live on the EdgeContrary to popular belief, living on the edge is NOT EXTREME but is the most balanced approach you can take. You see when we live on the edge or the rim of the coin, we get to see both sides. And by acknowledging the duality within ourselves (light & darkness), we embrace a balanced viewpoint upon life, thus, creating a life of harmony, trust and peace. All wars are started upon feelings of fear and distrust. And if you embrace the other side and open yourself to seeing their perspective you become more willing to work with them. Also, by hearing their story, you open yourself to being more trusting of them and them of you, as you showed them how to do it. So What Can You do?The next time you find yourself fighting another person, remember, open yourself to hearing their side and acknowledging their truth as valid for them. This does not mean do not speak your truth or that your truth is invalid, it's not. But neither is theirs. Both of your truths come from one side of the coin and both are completely valid. But when others feel that their truth is invalid, they will become resistant to working with you, thus, continue to live in extremes. And since you can't change people, change yourself. Realize that your side of the truth is valid so you may give them that same courtesy and respect. Be willing to work with them and you will see in time, others will be willing to work with you. Lastly, once you can open yourself to hearing the other side, try to find the good in what they are saying. Look for how their side is helpful to you. And once you can truly do that, then start incorporating what they are fighting for into your life. Remember, living a Balanced life means having a blend of both and not to the extremes of 95/5 but more like 50/50. If you can do this, you will find yourself no longer resisting the other side but instead embracing it. And when you embrace others and find what they are doing as positive, you will find no need to fight, as you my friend, are in a state of Balance. The Coin Tilts Slightly More to the Positive:Check out my follow-up article Life Favors the Positive More! that talks about how the Balance of Negative and Positive isn't a 50/50 Deal! For a more fun personal interaction with me on this subject, I made a video on this, check it out below! Here is a FREE Poster you can Download & Share with your friends to encourage them to Live on the Edge! Just all we ask is please do not edit the image and give a link to this page if you share it. Thank you! :)
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About Shou! (Sho)
Transformational Author, Coach, Spiritual Designer,
and Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner, Shou offers a radical approach to self-empowerment, revealing the core of everything. **Start Living** Your Heart's Desires in Just **30 Days!**